Grammar Police

This blog entry has nothing to do with food or allergies or foodallergies.  I have decided that it is time for me to come up with a disclaimer for my blog.  I have noticed that quite a few blogs have disclaimers stating things like , ‘Opinions expressed here are mine only’ (isn’t that the point of a blog) and some bloggers put stuff in their disclaimer section about ‘Don’t steal my stuff’.  Fair enough, but my disclaimer is a wee bit different – for the time being at least. I really don’t think anyone wants to steal my stuff.  My disclaimer is as follows…

‘All spelling errors and grammatical failures are solely the fault of my neighbour’.

This may seem a bit unorthodox but I think you’ll understand.  You see, she is a member of the Grammar Police (GP).  We all know the type.  They just about have a fit holding it in when someone says something like “I did good on my test”.  I think my eldest son is a member of the GP because he would respond with, “Superman does good, you did well”.  Ya ok Smartie Pants point taken. I desperately want to be a member of the Grammar Police, but my spelling is atrocious and my grammar wouldn’t pass the qualification exam.  My Mum is a member from way back and she has the credentials to back up her English grammar superiority.  She was educated in Scotland where even today real grammar is taught.  I seem to be digressing…

Back to my neighbour, she has been known to not only correct restaurants with their misspelling of Caesar salad, but she actually challenged a poor sales person in a department store about a misplaced apostrophe.  She means business and question her conjugations at your own peril.  She was the first person to subscribe to my blog and she has been my unofficial editor ever since.  If you spot an error please tsk, tsk her, not me.  It means she hasn’t yet read my current post and she is falling behind in her duties.  I have thrown a few misplaced modifiers into this post to see if she spots them.  I think I’ll time how long it takes for her to send me an email telling me of my shortcomings.  Have to keep those GP members on their toes.


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Next post I will be back on topic with a recipe for chocolate pudding.