Mother’s Day Treat (?)

messy pancakes

Did anyone else get breakfast made for them today?  I did, lucky me (see above).  Can you believe they tasted worse than they looked.  Sorry G.

My husband and A are in Our Nation’s Capital on a band trip so it was left to G to look after my breakfast treat.  The pancake recipe is pretty straight forward but somehow something was lost in translation and “3 teaspoons baking powder” became “3 heaping TABLESPOONS of baking SODA”.  My first bite smelled a bit funny as I brought it to my mouth, but being the good mother I kept going.  Once it was in my mouth I knew there was something terribly wrong.  I ran into the kitchen where G was still struggling to flip the next mess and I saw the dreaded baking soda container on the counter.  Through globby pancake still in my mouth (I just couldn’t swallow it) I choked “SODA!?  You used baking SODA?”   “Ya, 3 HEAPING Tablespoons” was the confident reply.  I guiltlessly spat out the mouthful into the garbage can and the two of us laughed til we cried.

You know, maybe G gave me the best treat I could hope for, a long hard laugh together and a story that still makes me giggle!

Happy Mother’s Day!