Allergy test results

Allergy testing hives

Ever have an itch you can't scratch...

So, after the allergy testing yesterday, the platter of Quality Street Chocolates for G is out as is the hunk of blue cheese.  If you look at the photo above… those four nice round welts along the bottom are the milk tests.  This wasn’t much of a surprise.  Having spilled milk on G when he was a baby, I know first hand what evil milk had wrought (once again, SO sorry G).  I was actually hoping that egg would be reduced, but see that big amorphous welt in the crook of his arm… that’s the egg white test.  Guess it’s not reduced!

If you’re not familiar with allergy testing, here’s a quick primer.  Pen marks indicate where a small drop of serum containing the allergen is put on the skin.  A tiny scratch is made on the skin where the serum is and then you wait to see what happens.  Sometimes it’s quite spectacular, but what you’d rather see is nothing.  I must say, G displayed incredible self control.  Just looking at his arm made me itchy.  Poor guy was going out of his mind wanting to scratch!

There is actually something positive that came from the testing, I mean the test was negative which was positive….Oh what ever, it was good news. G requested to be tested for pistachio nuts and to his delight it was negative.  Forget the Quality Street and blue cheese, on our way home we stopped for a slushy and a small bag of pistachios (with a Benadryl chaser).


In The Beginning

G was an easy newborn.  The only thing that I didn’t expect was that he refused a bottle and boy do I mean REFUSE.  Oh well, breast is best as they say and cheaper! Talk about shocking when one morning I accidentally spilled milk on G and where the milk touched his skin big welts arose.   As I rushed him to the bath to rinse it off I was thinking, surely this must be a one off thing.  Milk can’t be harmful, didn’t Cleopatra bathe in it?!  Was it my lack of coordination or fate that caused me to once again spill milk on G a few weeks later.  Why was I eating milk laced cereal while balancing G on my lap after what had happened the first time?  Stupid, stupid, stupid!  Nothing like doing an unplanned allergy test right in your own home!  By the way, we don’t do this any more – we try to keep G away from falling milk and allergy tests are saved for the doctor’s office.  He was only a month old when I first spilled milk on him and by the time he was a year and a half, he had been properly tested and shown to be allergic to eggs and dairy. Since then he has developed a peanut allergy too.  No wonder he refused a bottle!  That hysterical screaming (from him not me) was his plea for me to stop.  What a learning curve – and the knuckle balls keep on coming!